星期一, 4月 23, 2007

MySQL Training in Taiwan

MySQL Training 終於考慮要來台灣辦囉!
一個禮拜前收到 MySQL 寄來的信,內容如下:

Dear Sir,

We are planning to conduct a MySQL training class in Taipei in 2007. I would
like to get your feedback regarding the plans.

If we would run the MySQL 5.0 for DBAs
class in Tapei, would you attend?

If yes, would English be ok or what
would be the preferred language for you?

Also, if you would like information regarding commercial MySQL licensing,
MySQL Enterprise, support services or consulting, please feel free to
contact me directly.

Kind Regards

Iko Rein


Mr. Iko Rein, Sales Executive - APAC
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com
tel: +61 283 073 824
skype: IkoRein

不過很開心 MySQL 終於有這念頭了

MySQL Training 為期四天
費用為 USD 1,995 / EUR 1,595
這邊有目前 Training 的 Schedule

MySQL Training 重點如下:

Want to join the wonderful world of MySQL? Here's your chance to learn how this powerful relational database management system can make your life easier and more fun! This class covers all the basics and will get you on your way, with a solid foundation.

This instructor led, hands-on class covers the fundamentals of SQL and relational databases, using MySQL as a teaching tool.

At completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the features and benefits of MySQL
  • Be able to find information about products, support and training
  • Be able to install and start the MySQL server
  • Understand the basics of Relational Databases
  • Understand the SQL and MySQL languages
  • Understand Data/Column types with regard to efficient database design
  • Be able to view a database design structure/content
  • Create a database design using an efficient structure
  • Be able to extract basic database information using the SELECT command
  • Be able to troubleshoot syntax and understand typical warnings and errors
  • Be able to delete or modify a database
  • Be able to delete or modify table row data
  • Grouping query data with Aggregation
  • Connect data from multiple table rows using JOIN
  • Perform nested sub-queries
  • Use of Simple Functions (String, Date, Numerical)
  • Understand the primary methods for exporting and importing data
  • Describe MySQL connectors, their major features and differences.
  • Understand MySQL storage engines, transactions and features of the common engines

2 則留言:

日月ching 提到...

我有點上去 mysql的網頁看,上面要註冊,而且是歐元,換算台幣要3萬多塊台幣耶......

找回當初那份感動 提到...

是阿 :p
再跟 Oracle 那些大廠比
MySQL Training 的收費算是中庸的

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