那遠在魔多的 Black gate of Mordor 還是不給開阿...
於是又跑去 ICQ 官網找了一下資訊
終於在 ICQ Blog 看到了以下公告
We're opening the gates!Posted by: ICQ Team07.01.07We know many of you have been wondering what's going on with the registration. After many weeks of users testing the ICQ 6 Preview Version successfully, we're eager to open the gates to even more users. In that, we've now opened more slots for registration. Also, anyone registered for the ICQ 6 Preview Version has the opportunity to invite two friends instead of one.
We would like to express our thanks to all of our users who are testing out the ICQ Preview Version and giving us valuable feedback. Keep the feedback coming! Spread the news that the ICQ Preview Version is out, and we will keep you updated on our future plans!
Thanks again,
ICQ Team
標題雖然說 We're opening the gates,不過實際上應該是功能未完成,所以 gates 還是不給開,就只能等了... 不知道還要等多久咧... 裡面提到註冊跟邀請朋友加入的範圍都放寬,但他 gates 不開放,就算改成沒限制那還不是進不去。難道這就是傳說中的逆向思考嗎? XD
我很怕等著等著可能會等的半年,那這樣一堆人都會忘記 ICQ 的存在了吧 ._.

重點是最後一句,反正就開著 ICQ 6 Preview,某天他就會自動 update 到新版本。甘道夫就會來拯救蒼生了~
不過有點怪怪的,我雖然之前沒有每天登入 ICQ 但至少也兩三天登入一次。沒道理他公告上面這篇是 1 月 7 日,而我發的那篇 ICQ 6 Preview trouble 是 1 月 24 日。難道我那段期間都登到 phishing ICQ 伺服器嗎 XD 還是 gates 其實有 23 台,但只有 1 台是開著咧...